Explore the Unique Networking

Opportunities of Golf

Businessmen handshaking with golf course in the background
At Golf and Business Together (GBT)., we believe that golf provides a unique and valuable opportunity for business networking.

The relaxed and social atmosphere of the golf course allows for meaningful connections to be made in a way that traditional networking events cannot match.

By engaging in a round of golf with potential business partners or clients, you can build rapport and trust in a way that sets the stage for successful business relationships.

It’s no secret that the golf course is a popular place for business deals; according to Forbes, 90% of Fortune 500 CEOs play golf, and 80% of executives say playing golf allows them to establish new business relationships.

In fact, a whopping 43% of business executives say some of their most important deals have actually been done on the golf course.

Strategies for Leveraging Golf Connections for Business Growth

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So, how can you leverage the connections you make on the golf course for business growth in 2024?

One strategy is to follow up with your golfing partners after the game. Send a personalised note or email to express your enjoyment of the game and your interest in exploring potential business opportunities together.

Another strategy is to invite your golfing connections to a business networking event hosted by Golf and Business Together Ltd. This allows you to continue building on the rapport you established on the golf course in a more formal business setting.

Maximizing the Benefits of Golf and Business Networking

As we look ahead to 2024, it’s important to maximize the benefits of golf and business networking.

By participating in the GBT2024 Business Networking program, you can gain access to exclusive golf events and networking opportunities that will help you expand your professional network and grow your business.

Our GBT2024 Tour is designed to provide you with the tools and resources you need to make the most of your golf and business networking experiences.

What can be a better way of meeting a group of business owners, executives, and other like-minded professionals, and you can begin to understand why golf is an amazing opportunity to make new connections.

“Golf provides a unique opportunity to bond with individuals for a significant amount of time. If you have lunch with someone, that might be for an hour or so. In golf, you get to know the person much better since you’re battling the course together. In an age of teleconferencing, golf may be one of the last venues where you can maintain that personal contact.”
— Bill Walsh, Professor at Syracuse

Join the GBT2024 Golf and Business Networking Tour

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If you’re ready to take your business networking to the next level in 2024, we encourage you to join the GBT2024 Golf & Business Networking Tour.

By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to a wide range of benefits, including discounted golf events, exclusive networking opportunities, and access to a community of like-minded business professionals.

Don’t miss out on the chance to leverage the unique networking opportunities that golf provides for your business growth.


In conclusion, golf and business networking go hand in hand, and the upcoming year presents a wealth of opportunities to leverage these connections for business growth.

By exploring the unique networking opportunities that golf provides and implementing strategies for maximizing these connections, you can position yourself for success in 2024.

Join the GBT2024 Golf & Business Networking Tour to take full advantage of the benefits of golf and business networking in the upcoming year.

How can I get involved?

Four GBT Event Golfers Standing for a picture
If you’re struggling to get started in the world of golf for business, maybe think about joining the GBT2024 Tour that’s specifically aimed at business owners and like-minded individuals. 
GBT Events is more than just a simple golf tour; it’s also a networking group for business owners and professionals. You get to participate in a sport you love while also meeting like-minded business professionals.
Join today and get ready for an exciting, rewarding 2024, visit our Member Network